Previous Initiatives

Completed initiatives, task forces, and working groups from the Provost Office.

Changes to the Academic Calendar

Through a campus-wide partnership with students, faculty and staff, the university's academic calendar has been modified to better meet educational needs, support immediate and long-term innovation, and support our academic mission, while ensuring compliance with university guidelines and federal and state regulations.

Cluster and Interdisciplinary Hiring

This initiative extends collaborative research and scholarship through new faculty hires. Their interdisciplinary areas of knowledge span the boundaries of academic departments and disciplines.

COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey

COACHE is a national program operating from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. This faculty job satisfaction survey research allowed the university to understand faculty satisfaction and climate issues, and compare them with faculty at peer institutions.

College to Career Task Force

Assessed the support and resources provided to students to help them achieve the skills, experiences, and co-curricular knowledge needed to for life after graduation.

College to Career Governing Committee

The College to Career (CtC) Governing Committee was an advisory body to the senior vice provost for enrollment management. It completed its work and was retired on Aug. 31, 2019.

COVID Transformational Online Instruction Contributions (TONIC) Awards

UT faculty and staff have demonstrated extraordinary creativity in their rapid innovation and transformation of hybrid and online instruction. In recognition of the impact of these efforts, we are announcing the COVID Transformational Online Instruction Contributions Awards.

Experiential Learning Faculty Working Group

Working group consisting of faculty from colleges, schools, and units across campus to explore questions about how faculty and academic units should be supported in developing, scaling, and integrating experiential learning.

Experiential Learning Initiative

A 3-year pilot program to support and develop experiential learning opportunities for undergraduates.

Global Engagement Task Force

The task force, comprised of faculty members from a wide array of academic disciplines, was charged with making recommendations to the President, Provost, executive leadership, and the IBA for the development of global engagement strategies.

Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Presidential Transition Steering Committee

A new Presidential Steering Committee to implement the recommendations in the HSI Transition Plan and to assure that our work in this area continues to advance.

Internal Transfer Policy Working Group

This project implemented the recommendations of the Internal Transfer Policy Working Group to build a centralized undergraduate internal transfer application and timeline that is used by all CSUs. The project will also include establishing a holistic review score for each applicant that is shared with CSUs.

Non-Tenure Track Task Force

A campus-wide task force, including non-tenure and tenured faculty from each of the colleges and schools. The task force developed recommendations for guidelines that address current issues and future changes that need to be made for faculty holding non-tenure positions.

Provost's Authors Fellowship

Helped faculty advance their research and scholarship through support for book development and publication.

Provost's Early Career Cohort Fellowship Awards

Helped increase the number of faculty to further UT’s critical goals by attracting and hiring candidates with outstanding scholarly records.

Strategic Enrollment Management Faculty Working Group

The Strategic Enrollment Management Faculty Working Group (SEM Working Group) Working Group consisted of faculty from colleges, schools, and units across campus who considered principles that should guide a new undergraduate student enrollment management strategy in line with the core purpose and values of the university.

Sustainable Open Scholarship Working Group

The Sustainable Open Scholarship working group was established to address the recommendations from the Task Force on the Future of UT Libraries and other impacts on the effectiveness of open scholarship at UT.

Task Force on the Future of the UT Libraries

This task force was charged with developing a shared vision for how UT Libraries will support UT’s mission, to identify resources required to advance our mission, and to articulate realistic strategies to advance the higher education research ecosystem.

Tuition Payment Deadline and Funds Flow (TPFF) Working Group

The TPFF working group was created to simplify the timing and payment processes of students’ tuition and other direct costs bills and to align with the disbursement of financial aid.

Provost’s Faculty Leadership Fellows

The inaugural cohort of this program collaborated with members of the Provost’s team to lead specific, essential campus-wide projects.