Institutional Data and Equity Analysis (IDEA) Committee
Completed 2021 Initiative
The Institutional Data and Equity Analysis (IDEA) committee was formed in summer, 2020 and includes faculty representatives from each of the University’s Equity Councils. The goals of the committee are to consolidate the Councils’ institutional data requests and to refine and contribute to related analyses.
Membership on the IDEA committee includes representatives nominated from each of the three Equity Councils (including LGBTQ+AEI, CREED and Gender Equity Councils) and ex officio members from the Executive Vice President and Provost’s office. Below are listed members of the IDEA committee.
Jacqueline Angel, Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs; member, CREED
Germine Awad, Associate Professor, College of Education; member, Gender Equity Council
Shardha Jogee, Professor, Department of Astronomy; member, Gender Equity Council
Karen Landolt, Assistant Professor of Instruction, McCombs School of Business and College of Natural Sciences; member, Q+AEI Council
Sam Moore, Director of Outreach & Diversity programs, Jackson School of Geosciences; member, CREED
Stephen Russell, Professor, Department Chair and Director, College of Natural Sciences; co-chair, Q+AEI Council
Vicky DeFrancesco Soto, Assistant Professor of Practice, Assistant Dean for Civic Engagement, LBJ School of Public Affairs; Q+AEI Council
Laura Starks, Professor, Red McCombs School of Business; co-chair, Gender Equity Council
Tasha Beretvas, Professor, College of Education; Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Taylor Cox, Staff, Institutional Reporting, Research, and Information Systems
Edmund T. Gordon, Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts; Vice Provost for Diversity
Young Ri Lee, graduate student, College of Education
Gina Magharious, Survey Coordinator, Institutional Reporting, Research, and Information Systems