Dear faculty colleagues,
This newsletter starts below by sharing some faculty-related Stories and News and then the Updates section includes some information and important reminders for faculty about the following:
- Faculty P&T Information Session – Fall 2023
- Faculty Retirement Information Session
- Accepting Submissions: Faculty Authors Reception
- Graduate School Fall 2023 Newsletter
- CTL Updates: November 2023
- Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, 2022 Biennial Review
- Faculty Training for Graduate Admissions
- Foreign Government-Sponsored Talent Recruitment Programs (FGTRP) Requirements and Restrictions
- First-Gen Week – November 6-10
Please share what might be relevant to you, those you mentor and fellow colleagues. If you have any faculty-related questions, concerns and solutions please feel free to contact the Faculty Affairs team. We’re here to support you in any way we can.
Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Stories & News
UT Austin Welcomes Over 200 Esteemed New Faculty for the 2023-24 Academic Year
The University of Texas at Austin welcomed over 200 new faculty members this year, coming to Austin from all over the world and bringing expertise across a wide range of high-impact areas.
2024-2025 Provost’s Mentored Faculty Scholars Announced
The Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors and the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost are pleased to announce the new cohort of Provost’s Mentored Faculty Scholars.
Faculty Updates
Faculty P&T Information Sessions – Fall 2023
The provost’s Faculty Affairs team will be hosting one more promotion information session this fall semester. These sessions include a representative from the President’s Promotion (& Tenure) committee and offer the opportunity to share advice and answer questions focused on the relevant promotion(s). Please join us whether you are thinking about your own promotion or mentoring a fellow faculty member with their promotion. Information about the remaining session:
Friday, November 17, 9-10am via Zoom
Tenured Associate Professor Promotion Information Session with Dan Jaffe, Vice President for Research
Faculty Retirement Information Session
Join us for an informative presentation about insurance and other benefits for UT Austin faculty retirees. Gain a better understanding of UT Select retiree insurance, Medicare and coordination with UT Select, returning to work after retirement, and so much more. Following the presentation, a panel of retired UT Austin faculty will share their experiences of transitioning to retirement and continuing involvement in academia and the university community.
Tuesday, November 7, 12-2pm via Zoom
Accepting Submissions: Faculty Authors Reception
The Faculty Authors Reception was created to highlight the breadth of scholarship and creative activity taking place across the university. We are now accepting submissions for this year’s Faculty Authors Reception. There will also be an in-person event on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 to celebrate published works from 2023. Eligibility for participation are as follows:
- Published works including scholarly monographs, published creative works (e.g., novels and anthologies of poetry), exhibition catalogs, and edited collections.
- Published between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.
- Current UT Austin faculty member.
Deadline: November 17, 2023
Graduate School Fall 2023 Newsletter
The Graduate School Fall 2023 Newsletter went out on Monday and included information on new graduate student housing, the Steinbeck Writers’ Retreat, the new graduate school website and more.
CTL Updates: November 2023
The CTL November newsletter includes updates for the first full month of the semester. Highlights include the following:
Crisis Pedagogy Resources
In today’s ever-changing world, “Trauma Informed Pedagogy” is an invaluable resource for educators. It offers critical advice on how to handle difficult conversations about current crises and sensitive topics. It helps instructors create safe and supportive classroom environments by suggesting activities and prompting reflection. Sections on content warnings, mental health resources, and fostering mutual accountability are especially important.
Apply to become a Provost’s Teaching Fellow
If you would like to participate in a community of faculty who explore and share teaching strategies, you are invited to apply to join the Provost’s Teaching Fellows program. Express your interest by filling out this brief Intent Form by Nov. 6, or visit the Provost’s Teaching Fellows website for more information about the program.
Teaching in the Age of Generative AI
The technologies supporting generative AI tools continue to change and become more sophisticated. How can we create assignments for our students that addresses the presence of generative AI tools? This two-day workshop will focus on providing suggestions for crafting assignments that acknowledge their presence, either accepting or not accepting their use, focusing primarily on assessment. On the first day (Nov. 15), we will explore policies and recommendations at UT as well as a few sample practices. On the second day (Dec. 6), participants will be offered the opportunity to share their ideas and receive peer feedback.
PTF Think Tank: Using Art in the Classroom
Have you ever wondered how to incorporate the Blanton collections in your instruction? Join us at the museum on Nov. 16 to explore the possibilities. This Think Tank will be facilitated by Siobhan McCusker and Ray Williams from the Blanton Education team. All instructors are welcome!
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, 2022 Biennial Review
To further its commitment to the well-being of all members of the campus community, The University of Texas at Austin provided all students, faculty and staff with the annual notice of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, 2022 Biennial Review.
In this Review you will find:
- A description of health risks associated with alcohol and drug abuse.
- Descriptions of available support, intervention and treatment programs.
- Standards of conduct and policies related to alcohol and drug abuse.
- Penalties for violation of federal, state and local law, and campus policy.
Faculty Training for Graduate Admissions
The University has been working to understand the impact on graduate admissions and help programs and faculty members comply with the Supreme Court’s June 29, 2023 decision.
Here is an update on the progress and additional information about training sessions and office hours.
- Qualitative Assessments/Rubrics. The Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs continues to review available qualitative assessments, rubrics and application review guides for graduate programs across campus. If you have not already, please work with your college/school associate dean who oversees graduate education to ensure your materials are included.
- Live Training. As part of this effort, attorneys from the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs are conducting mandatory workshops for faculty and staff members involved in application decisions. The workshop consists of an explanation of the steps the University has taken to ensure compliance with the Supreme Court’s decision, a discussion of the Supreme Court’s reasoning and practical advice for file reviewers.
- These presentations are organized by CSU. Please be on the lookout for an email from the designated representative at each CSU for more information on workshops at your college or school.
- For reviewers who cannot attend a live training session, a recorded training session is available on UTLearn: Review of Admissions 2023-2024.
- As a reminder, all reviewers must attend either a live training session or view the recorded training before reviewing any graduate student applications.Office Hours. VPLA will resume weekly office hours starting on Friday, Oct. 14 through Nov. 17, from 3-5 p.m.:
ID: 939 4836 6836
Passcode: 028027
Foreign Government-Sponsored Talent Recruitment Programs (FGTRP) Requirements and Restrictions
Talent programs are often a vital part of a foreign government’s national strategy and are designed to enhance civilian and military programs in key areas through the integration of foreign technology. The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 requires researchers working on any federally supported research project to disclose participation in foreign talent recruitment programs to the sponsoring agency.
The new law prohibits federal employees, contractors and awardees — including institutions, individual investigators and other key personnel — from participating in Malign Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Programs. These programs are further defined in the message sent last week.
To comply with UT and federal sponsor requirements, all participation in a FGTRP must be disclosed. If you are considering an invitation that may meet any of the FGTRP criteria, or if you have other related questions, please contact UT’s Research Security Team.
First-Gen Week – November 6-10
First-gen students represent nearly a quarter of UT undergraduate students. There are many first-gen resources across campus and ways that you can get involved with First-Gen Week, including the university’s campus wide celebration in the Main Mall at 4:30 pm Wednesday, November 8th!