Dear faculty colleagues,
You made it! The final week of this historic semester is almost over. I hope you appreciate the magnitude of everything you’ve accomplished to adapt to these extreme circumstances.
We know there is still a high volume of information being shared with you on a daily basis, and as the spring semester comes to an end, our goal is to scale back on our weekly updates as the university shifts focus to fall planning.
Please find below several important updates for the week.
Q&A: Associate Professor Zoom Meeting – Friday, May 8
The Faculty Affairs team is offering a Zoom Q&A meeting for tenured associate track faculty members to ask questions, share concerns and discuss specific issues, both in general and with respect to the impact of COVID-19.
Friday, May 8, 2020 at 11:00 AM
Q&A: Faculty Leaves Zoom Discussion – Tuesday, May 12
The Faculty Affairs team is also offering a Faculty Leaves Zoom discussion next week about the different leave options available to faculty.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 10-11:30 am
Spring 2020 grade reporting opens on Monday, May 11
It is extremely important that all grades are submitted by their deadlines. Further instructions on grade reporting can be found here. You can read the full message from the Registrar’s Office below.
Message from the Registrar’s Office
2020 Experiential Learning Program Stipends Awarded
Congratulations to the twenty-six faculty members who have been selected for the second cohort of the Experiential Learning Initiative (ELI) Faculty Course Developer Program. This program is designed to support and develop more experiential learning opportunities for students. Each member will receive a two-year stipend of $5,000 per year as well as support to plan, design, and teach an experiential learning component. You can learn more about the second cohort and program details here.
Electronic Course Instructor Surveys due on May 11
Please remind your students to complete the electronic course instructor surveys for each class. While all levels of faculty review are charged with recognizing the undue challenges faculty faced transitioning to remote instruction, responses to these surveys can help us plan and improve online instruction in the summer and in the future. Encourage your students to be as constructive and detailed as possible. The electronic surveys close on Monday, May 11 at noon.
2020 U.S. Census
Please remind and encourage your students to take 10 minutes to complete the 2020 Census questionnaire. The data collected in the census determines the allocation of funds used to support health care, emergency services, and the loans and grants college students receive. When everyone is counted accurately, our communities can be more appropriately funded and represented for the next decade.
Please send the Faculty Affairs team an email with any questions or concerns you have. We’re here to support you in any way we can.
Stay well,
TASHA BERETVAS | Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
The University of Texas at Austin | Office of the Executive Vice President & Provost