Life & Work

Child Care
The university has three campus child care centers with 480 spaces that serve children between six weeks to five years of age. A limited number of spaces reserved for faculty recruitment and retention is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and are endorsed by your dean/department chair to the Provost Office.
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Extending Tenure-Track Probationary Periods
Life sometimes takes a turn to keep you from achieving normal levels of productivity during your tenure-track probationary period. Fortunately, you can apply for a probationary period extension. All accomplishments achieved during the extension of the tenure track probationary period will be included in your promotion packet, and no distinction is made between those who have and have not had an extension.
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Modified Instructional Duties
When certain personal circumstances prevent you from being able to perform your classroom teaching duties, you may be eligible for a semester of Modified Instructional Duties. Under this policy, full-time faculty member may take a semester off from teaching responsibilities while focusing on other academic and research responsibilities.
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Family and Medical Leave
The university provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid family and medical leave during a rolling 12-month period in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. This leave applies to those who have been employed by the state of Texas for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the year before the beginning of your leave.
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Dual-Career Couples
We realize that in many cases your job brought not only you to Austin, but also your significant other. Whether your partner is in academia or not, we will help him or her find on-campus or local employment. Contact your department chair or school/college to initiate the process.
Open positions
The University of Texas at Austin believes an environment of excellence is synonymous with an environment of wellness, and that wellness starts with balance. We are deeply committed to creating a supportive and productive workplace that allows our faculty opportunities to maintain a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives.