Faculty Evaluation
Promotion & Tenure
The goal of the promotion and tenure process is to promote excellence with a thorough and objective review of the substance and merits of each faculty member’s case. The Provost’s Office maintains the General Guidelines and a number of other resources that faculty candidates and department administrators will use to prepare for and navigate the tenure and promotion process.
Mid-Probationary Review of Tenure-Track Faculty
It is important that tenure-track faculty undergo a more comprehensive review midway through their probationary service in order to assess if the faculty member is on a reasonable trajectory toward tenure.
Annual and Comprehensive Periodic Review of Faculty
All faculty, tenured and non-tenured, shall undergo annual reviews following the Guidelines for Annual Review of Faculty, and all tenured faculty shall undergo comprehensive period review following the Guidelines for Comprehensive Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty.
- 2023-24 Comprehensive Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty Guidelines
- 2024-25 Comprehensive Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty Guidelines
Publications Database
All tenured and tenure-track faculty are required to certify their publications, creative works, and other scholarly works by October 1 in the centrally maintained Publications Database. The database will allow faculty members to assign proxy users who can add, edit, and delete publication information prior to the faculty member certifying the publication list. Publications can be added one at a time or through a batch upload process.
Peer Review of Teaching
Good teachers continually learn and develop. Peer Review, which combines the examination of course materials with in-class observations and collegial discussion, helps prompt this learning among faculty.
Faculty Administrator Evaluation Policies
Strong leadership is integral to maintaining excellence in academics. As chief academic officer of the University, the provost also oversees the evaluation and selection of department chairs, academic chair center directors and deans.

World Class Faculty
UT Austin is recognized for the outstanding quality of its faculty. Continuous evaluation is intended to enhance and protect the important guarantees of tenure and positive, thorough, fair and transparent processes.