Faculty Awards
Annually, nearly $2 million in awards are distributed across The University of Texas at Austin. The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost administers the selection of university-wide teaching awards and the Sidney E. Mezes Award, which provides financial support to faculty members who may be in need of assistance due to unexpected circumstances.
The Provost’s Distinguished Leadership Service Academy represents a formal organization of distinguished tenured and senior non-tenure track (NTT) faculty members with extraordinary achievements across their portfolios and in particular in terms of their excellence in mentoring and service to their college, the university, the state of Texas and the nation.
The Jean Holloway Award for Excellence in Teaching was created in 1970 with an endowment from past Texas Exes president Sterling Holloway and his wife, Jean. It has been supplemented over the years by gifts from Jean’s daughter and her grandchildren. Now the award is presented annually to a teacher in the College of Liberal Arts or Natural Sciences. For more information on the Jean Holloway Award, including nomination requirements, please visit the Texas Exes award webpage.
UT Austin Sidney E. Mezes Award
- The extent of the financial need resulting from the calamity,
- The caliber of the nominee’s contributions to the work of the University despite having to concurrently handle their misfortune, and
The impact on the nominee’s department or unit of their “absence” that resulted from their misfortune.
MAI 201, Mailcode G1000
Executive Vice President and Provost
Academic Affairs
110 Inner Campus Drive, G1000
Austin, Texas 78701