Faculty across UT Austin spend years developing research and scholarship for their published works. This work represents significant contributions to their fields and society more broadly, as well as reinforcing the university’s reputation as a world-class institution.
The Provost’s Office created the Faculty Authors Recognition program to celebrate faculty members who published books in the previous calendar year. In 2020, faculty from 9 colleges and 28 departments participated, representing 46 books.
“We are enormously proud of faculty for their perseverance during this past year and want to make sure that the books published in 2020 do not go unnoticed,” said senior vice provost of faculty affairs, Tasha Beretvas. “Thousands of hours go into the development of a book from inception to completion and faculty deserve to be celebrated for their hard work.”
In previous years, the Faculty Author Recognition was held as a reception for faculty. In lieu of an in-person event, faculty authors will be featured throughout the year on social media and showcased in the Main Building. In order to take part in the 2022 annual reception, faculty members will be notified during the fall semester to submit their publications.
For more information, visit: https://provost.utexas.edu/annual-faculty-authors-reception