Dear faculty colleagues,
Below are upcoming opportunities including an important update on the Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey, which is officially live! Please share relevant information with your colleagues and those you mentor.
Included in this week’s update:
- 2023 UT Austin Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey is Officially Live!
- International Travel Process Reminders
- President’s Award for Global Learning – Networking Breakfast
- Accepting Applications: UT Co-Op George H. Mitchell Student Awards for Academic Excellence
Did you know? 2023 UT Austin Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey is Officially Live!
Last week, all eligible faculty should have received an email from Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts on the faculty experience at UT Austin! The survey helps us prioritize faculty needs and take action on important issues.
Tell us what YOU think
- What is UT Austin doing well?
- What is UT Austin not doing well?
- What do you need to thrive professionally?
- How can your experience at UT be enhanced?
Eligible participants will receive an email from COACHE ( with a link to the survey. Please complete the survey at your earliest convenience. Visit for more information including Visa gift cards incentives up to $450!
President’s Award for Global Learning – Networking Breakfast
A faculty breakfast launching the 2023-2024 cycle of the President’s Award for Global Learning will be held on Wednesday, March 1 at 8:30 a.m., in Room 1.106 of the William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center (WCP). The event will provide an overview of the program, RFP timeline and an opportunity to network with colleagues across academic disciplines. To attend the networking breakfast, RSVP here.
International Travel Process Reminders
UT Austin employees are required to follow the international travel process for all university-related travel (e.g., research, teaching, conferences, meetings, lectures), regardless of destination. Registration with UT Austin’s International Travel Registry is a requirement of UT System’s International Travel Policy (UTS 190) and enrolls travelers with On Call International.
If you are traveling to an area designated as a Restricted Region (High Risk), you must request approval from the International Oversight Committee at least five weeks prior to departure.
Visit the Texas Global Risk and Safety webpage or attend a drop-in Q&A session on Zoom for additional support concerning international travel.
Accepting Applications: UT Co-Op George H. Mitchell Student Awards for Academic Excellence
Applications are now open for the 2023 UT Co-Op George H. Mitchell Student Awards for Academic Excellence. Each spring, the university, with the generous support of the University Co-Op, recognizes five undergraduate students for superior scholarly or creative achievement. Four students will receive awards of $5,000 in each of the four categories and one will receive the top prize of $7,000. In addition to the student award, the Provost’s Office provides a concurrent award of half the value of each student’s award to the academic department in which the scholarly work was supervised. The application and all supporting materials must be received by Tuesday, March 21.
Please reach out with any faculty-related questions to the Faculty Affairs team. We’re here to support you in any way we can.
Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas