The University of Texas at Austin is proud to announce the inaugural cohort of the Provost’s Early Career Fellows Program. The university will welcome 26 fellows from a variety of disciplines.
The Early Career Fellows Program was created by the Executive Vice President and Provost and Vice Provost for Diversity to strengthen opportunities for faculty who advance the university’s critical goals of diversity, equity, and inclusiveness. This is done by attracting and hiring early career candidates with outstanding scholarly records, as well as knowledge and experience in the issues and practices of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The program identifies candidates with early promise and talent and invests in the career development and professional growth of future faculty. The fellowship includes a competitive stipend, fringe benefits, relocation funds, travel funds and discretionary research funds along with mentorship by both the department and the Provost’s Office through a mentoring program.
Inaugural Provost’s Early Career Fellows
- Aaron Aceves, English
- Genesis Arizmendi, Special Education
- Brenda Boonabaana, Geography & the Environment
- Tianna Bruno, Geography & the Environment
- Richard Coleman, Integrative Biology
- Allison Crawford, Nursing
- Gelson Pagan Diaz, Neuroscience
- Mykel Green, Biomedical Engineering
- Cynthia Greywolf, Nursing
- Angela Gutierrez, Mexican American & Latina/o Studies
- Kaily Heitz, Geography & the Environment
- Jangai Jap, Government
- Olivia Lanier, Biomedical Engineering
- Chris Law, Integrative Biology
- Krissia Martinez, Curriculum and Instruction
- Amber Medina, Astronomy
- Carol Mesa, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
- Pablo Montero-Zamora, Kinesiology & Health Education
- Nadia Mosquera-Muriel, Geography & the Environment
- Julissa Muñiz, Educational Psychology
- José Palma, Educational Psychology
- Karla Peña, American Studies
- Chelsea Privette, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
- Erin Roberts, English
- Marcel Roman, Government
- Erica Salinas Thomas, Sociology
Accepting Applications for Next Cohort
The Provost’s Office is soliciting applications for the next cohort of fellows. Information for departments can be found here. Applications will open on a rolling basis starting Monday, August 23, 2021. Please contact Dr. Lydia Contreras, Managing Director of Diversity, to discuss interest and learn more.
Learn more about the program and the Inaugural 2021 Provost’s Early Career Fellows here.