Dear faculty colleagues,
Congratulations on completing a challenging school year. I hope you can celebrate with your students and colleagues. We are deeply appreciative of all your hard work. See below for reminders and upcoming opportunities for faculty.
Public Access to Course Information for Summer Courses (HB 2504)
In accordance with HB 2504, UT Austin is required to make available to the public on its website certain undergraduate course information. Please find the state requirements below.
Provide Syllabus to Students by First Meeting Day
For summer courses, syllabi and instructor-of-record CVs are due in departmental or deanâs office by:
- June 3, 2021 (first-term, nine-week, and whole-session summer courses)
- July 12, 2021 (second-term summer courses)
Please upload your syllabus to Canvas, if you use it to support your course. This is where students most frequently look for their course information.
Public Access To Course Information
Each undergraduate course offered for credit must be made available to the public.
Documents should be uploaded to Access Syllabi and CVs system  by departmental or deanâs office by:
- June 10, 2021 (first-term, nine-week, and whole-session classes)
- July 19, 2021 (second-term classes)
Find more details on the provostâs HB 2504 website.
REMINDER: Promotion (& Tenure) Information Session â June 3, 2021
The Faculty Affairs team will be hosting promotion (and tenure) information sessions over the summer. These sessions include a representative from the Presidentâs Promotion (& Tenure) committee and offer the opportunity to share advice and answer questions focused on the relevant promotion(s). The first session will be with the following:
Thursday, June 3, 12-1pm
Tenured Associate Professors Information Session with Interim Provost Dan Jaffe
Presidentâs Award for Global Learning
President Hartzell recently unveiled a new vision for the Presidentâs Award for Global Learning centered on increasing student access and strengthening faculty interdisciplinary collaborations while adhering to student-driven and faculty mentorship foundational principles. Learn more by attending faculty information and networking sessions and joining the Canvas page to connect with peers and form teams. Proposals are due July 12, 2021.
Global Engagement Report
In UT Austinâs first global engagement report, discover the universityâs mottoâwhat starts here changes the worldâin practice. Learn about UTâs international reach and impact over the last two years, and read stories highlighting the experiences of Longhorns and contributions of all 18 colleges and schools, partners, and alumni across the globe.
Mandatory Zoom Update
Starting May 26, all Zoom users must use the minimum client version of Zoom 5.6.4. ITS, at the guidance of the Information Security Office, will require all Zoom clients to be updated at minimum to Zoom version 5.6.4 to increase security and improve the user experience. If your Zoom client is not updated at least to the minimum client version of Zoom 5.6.4, you will not be able to join or host Zoom meetings until the update has been performed. Going forward, ITS will continue to require a minimum client version for all UT users. To ensure you are always on the minimum client version, updating your Zoom client often is recommended as a best practice.
UT Libraries Service Disruptions
An upcoming maintenance project by the provider of the University of Texas Librariesâ services platform will require a temporary outage of the Librariesâ online resources starting Saturday, May 29, 8:00 p.m. (CDT) – Sunday, May 30 8:00 p.m. (CDT).
UTL applications impacted by the outage:
- UT Librariesâ online catalog (
UTL applications not impacted by the outage:
- Databases (via A-Z List)
- Hathi Trust ETAS (directly accessed via A-Z List)
- Locally managed repositories and access portals (e.g. Collections Portal, Texas GeoData Portal)
Up-to-date service alerts will be posted to the online catalog and the Librariesâ homepage during the outage. You can stay apprised of the current state of the outage via the Librariesâ Twitter @utlibraries.
I hope that you are able to take some time to relax and refresh before things start up again in the fall.
If you have any faculty-related questions, concerns, and solutions please feel free to contact the Faculty Affairs team. Weâre here to support you in any way we can.
Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas