Dear faculty colleagues,
For many faculty members, the consequences of the pandemic created new and unexpected barriers and affected the advancement of their research, scholarship and creative activities. In an effort to help faculty members accelerate the resumption of their research and scholarship trajectories, the university created the Research Reboot program.
Jointly developed and funded by your deans and by the Provost’s Office, Research Reboot will offer a limited number of tenure-track and tenured faculty members a semester of release from organized teaching to support the revitalization of their research, scholarship and creative trajectories. At the discretion of leadership in some colleges and schools, faculty members may receive summer funding instead of the course release.
Eligibility & Criteria
This program is designed to support tenured and tenure-track assistant and associate professors whose research and scholarship trajectories were hardest hit by consequences of the pandemic. Please visit our website to learn more about the program’s university-wide eligibility criteria. Additional CSU-specific information will be communicated to you from your dean’s office, if applicable.
The following criteria, eligibility requirements and core principles apply for all colleges and schools.
- Evidence of a strong record of research, scholarly and creative accomplishments prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Sound, feasible research plan for use with the course release to restart the faculty member’s research, scholarly and creative trajectory.
- The magnitude of the professional disruption resulting from COVID-19’s impact. This opportunity will be prioritized for those faculty members experiencing larger disruptions to their research, scholarship and creative accomplishments and trajectories.
More information
Please visit our website for detailed information, including:
- Award description
- Important dates
- Program details
- Application content
- Review and selection process
- Restrictions
We know faculty members are facing many serious issues. Our hope is this program is an opportunity our early-stage faculty can leverage to resume their research and scholarship activities.
If you have questions or comments you’d like to share, please feel free to send those to our Faculty Affairs team at
DANIEL JAFFE | Interim Executive Vice President and Provost
The University of Texas at Austin |