Dear faculty colleagues,
As a humanist and author of several books, I have an intimate appreciation for the time and effort faculty members invest in publishing a scholarly book. At UT, the impact of the scholarship of our faculty book authors is outstanding. Last year, we launched a new effort to celebrate your work and to provide an opportunity to highlight the breadth of scholarship taking place on our campus.
On Jan. 16, 2020, I will host the second Annual Faculty Authors Reception to showcase the books published in 2019.
The first reception was well attended by faculty, deans, department chairs and other university leaders, and we were all impressed with the collective impact of the research and creativity of our faculty colleagues. Several commented that they left with a long reading list inspired by the work of their colleagues across campus.
Throughout the year we have been showcasing the 2018 books on the first floor of the Tower and on social media.
- Published works including scholarly monographs, creative works (e.g., novels and anthologies of poetry), exhibition catalogs, and edited collections.
- Books must be published between Jan. 1, 2019 and Dec. 31, 2019.
- Current UT Austin faculty member.
Next Steps
After you submit your information, you will receive instructions to provide my office a physical copy of your book so we can display it at the event. All physical copies will be returned after we have displayed them in the Tower. If you have questions, you can also email us at
We received a strong response last year, and I am looking forward to meeting more faculty authors and learning about their work. We look forward to seeing you there.
Maurie McInnis