Senior Vice Provost for Curriculum & Enrollment and Dean of the School of Undergraduate Studies
Accepting Applications & Nominations
The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) seeks applications and nominations for the newly conceived position of Senior Vice Provost for Curriculum & Enrollment and Dean of the School of Undergraduate Studies.
Reporting to the Executive Vice President and Provost, the SVP-C&E serves as the primary advisor to the provost on undergraduate education. This reconstituted position will work with deans, associate deans, assistant deans, faculty and advisors to more effectively coordinate enrollment management, academic success programs, and the undergraduate curriculum at UT Austin. The SVP-C&E will utilize flexibility, as well as collaborative and coordinated strength, to help the university more effectively administer undergraduate education and academic programming. This role is a 100% A&P appointment.
Please see the organization chart for this position.
Essential functions of the position:
- Enrollment Management: Envision and lead a highly strategic, institutionally coordinated and data-driven campaign to enroll and retain an increasingly talented and diverse student body. Provide strategic and innovative leadership to increase and enhance coordination and integration among undergraduate admissions, financial aid, Texas One Stop and the registrar. Design the optimal enrollment future for UT Austin, establishing an admissions philosophy and retention strategies and tactics with clearly defined, measurable goals. Represent UT Austin internally and externally, helping to significantly impact the future of UT Austin and public higher education.
- Academic Success Programming: Coordinate with colleges and schools to assist with messaging, branding and assessment of academic success programs. Address issues of overlap to increase effectiveness and synergies across campus. Work closely with colleges and schools to promote a culture of innovation and excellence in student success programming, and create effective strategies and plans that focus on university-wide priorities. In concert with colleges and schools, lead the assessment and/or piloting of new campus-wide academic student support programs from within the School of Undergraduate Studies.
- Curriculum Management: Responsible for the oversight, review and assessment of the undergraduate curriculum, including the facilitation of new, innovative, cross-college academic credentials and the evaluation of low-performing programs. In concert with Faculty Council, lead the review of substantive curricular changes including an evaluation of resource availability for new and continuing degree programs and an assessment for curricular duplication. Promote a culture of innovation to facilitate the development of more nimble curricular pathways. Serve as final approver of the state-mandated Core Curriculum and provide oversight, without direct responsibility, for Signature Courses and Flags. Oversee the policy and administration of the Bridging Disciplines Program.
- Campus-Wide Academic Resources: Provide strategic direction and oversight of units that provide campus-wide academic and career support, including the Sanger Learning Center, Office of Undergraduate Research, Texas Career Engagement, and others. Coordinate the work of academic advisors, academic success programs and college career centers to improve communication, collaboration, and effective resource management.
Required Qualifications
Full professor with tenure at UT Austin; administrative experience with broad exposure to instructional, research, and support activities; strong interpersonal skills and experience in building collaborative teams. Commitment to principles and practices of shared governance; commitment to fostering diversity; broad knowledge of issues in higher education; experience in curriculum management. Deep appreciation for the full range of academic disciplines represented at the university; a high performer with an ability to motivate and inspire others to strive continuously for academic excellence; a genuine commitment to providing students with the highest quality educational experience. Financial acumen and an inherent level of comfort dealing with complex fiscal issues and in asking the right questions of the right experts. Highest standards of personal and academic integrity.
The position will remain open until filled. The committee will begin reviewing applications November 15th, 2021.
Application materials include a curriculum vitae (CV) and a letter of intent. Apply here.
Submit your nomination here.
Search Committee
Bob Duke | Professor, Butler School of Music |
Jacqueline Evans | Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Psychology |
Amanda Hager | Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Mathematics |
Lori Holleran Steiker | Associate Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies and Professor, Social Work |
Michael Webber | Chair for SVP Committee and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Cassandre Alvarado | Professor of Practice, Associate Dean, Moody College of Communication |
Keffrelyn Brown | Professor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction |
Richard Flores | Professor, Deputy to the President for Academic Priorities |
Jerry Speitel | Professor, Associate Dean, Cockrell School of Engineering |
Benjamin Farias | Student, UGS Council Financial Director (20-21) |
Ishi Tripathi | Student, UGS Council President (19-20) |
Johnny Klevenski | Student, Current UGS Council President |
Philip Butler | Director of Student Success, College of Liberal Arts |
Charles Enriquez | Assistant Dean, McCombs School of Business |
Tracey Kozmetsky | Advisory Council Representative |
Jay Bernhardt | Dean, Moody College of Communication |
Tasha Beretvas | Ex-Officio, Executive VP and Provost Office |