Institutional Memberships & Dues for Professional Organizations
Payment of memberships and dues for professional organizations shall be made in accordance with the following policies and procedures. No payments from any source of University funds are to be made to political action committees.
State Appropriated Funds
All expenditures for memberships and dues for professional organizations using state appropriated funds (14- and 20- accounts) require approval by the President or the President’s delegate in the Provost’s Office.
All requests for new memberships and dues for professional organizations should be submitted for approval through the normal administrative channels using the Request for Institutional Membership Fee Approval Form (PDF). The memberships and dues must be directly and substantially related to the mission and function of The University of Texas at Austin. Every effort shall be made to avoid duplications or multiple memberships, where feasible.
A master list of all approved memberships and dues for professional organizations will be maintained and reviewed annually. Renewal of memberships and dues on the approved master list does not require resubmission of a prior approval form or any administrative approval beyond that of the individual with signature authority on the account being used. Information regarding the master list may be obtained from the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs.
Other Funds
Authorization to approve payment of memberships and dues for professional organizations from all University funding sources other than state appropriated funds shall be delegated to the individual(s) having signature authority on the particular account. Such memberships and dues shall be necessary for the proper discharge of University duties and the payments shall be consistent with the established purposes for the specific account. Every effort shall be made to avoid duplicate or multiple memberships, where feasible. No other prior approval or administrative review is required for initial or renewal payments.
All requests for new memberships and dues for professional organizations should be submitted for approval through the normal administrative channels using the below linked form.
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