Dear faculty members,
While we have been preparing for COVID-19 (coronavirus) to reach our campus community for many weeks, today’s news from President Fenves further prioritizes those efforts. The virus is a concern for all of us, both personally and as it relates to our work on behalf of the university. There is new information on the university’s coronavirus website, including Frequently Asked Questions that explain what you should do if you believe you have been exposed to coronavirus.
Our first priority is to keep you safe and healthy. Please continue to follow the Mitigation Strategies and Social Distancing Guidelines, wash your hands, keep your hands away from your face, cough and sneeze into your elbow, and substitute a “Hook ‘Em” for a handshake.
Human Resources has a dedicated web page about teleworking, and telemedicine and telecounseling, including video counseling services through the Employee Assistance Program.
As faculty, you have access to the Bright Horizons Back-Up Care if your regular care is unavailable. The university has also opted-in to the Crisis-care program. This program is for faculty when situations significantly impact the availability of their network providers (locally, regionally, or nationally). It can be implemented within 24 hours of a crisis for a duration determined by Bright Horizons. Please visit their COVID-19 page for updates and additional information.
We strongly encourage you to stay alert to communications from your department chairs, directors and deans who will keep you informed on next steps when you’re back on campus Monday, March 23. The university will continue to provide updates. Keep checking emails and visiting the university’s coronavirus website as new information is frequently being published.
Thank you for your dedication and flexibility during this evolving issue. Please reach out with any questions or concerns using the following email address:
Tasha Beretvas