Dear faculty colleagues,
I understand how challenging the start of this fall semester is for everyone with classes resuming in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. The Faculty Affairs team continues to receive many questions from faculty and we are making every effort to respond and continue to share information as quickly as we can.
There are a few items I’d like to share with you in this email.
First, if you have been approved to change the teaching modality for your course, email the students in your class (which can be easily done through Canvas) so that they know where to be and when. Do not assume that all of your students will notice a Canvas Announcement.
Second, if you would like to post physical (paper) messages about social distancing, encouraging masking, and ways to minimize the transmission of COVID-19, a set of approved posters can be found at this link.
Syllabus language suggestions are listed below and linked by topic to the Syllabus Guidance, Fall 2021 webpage. Note that much of the COVID-19 advice for the syllabus can be found in the faculty FAQs, which also includes guidance for incentives around masking.
Remember that your syllabus must be posted no later than seven days after the first-class day. And even if you do not include some of the components (those not required) in your syllabi, some of the information might prove useful to you as you manage your courses this semester. This list below will link to the following syllabus topics.
- Syllabus Components
- COVID-19 Syllabus content
- COVID-19 Testing
- If a student tests positive for COVID-19
- Student concerns about in-person learning
- Missed materials for a student who has to quarantine
- General COVID-19 information links
- Masking
- Social distancing
- Internship and practicum course COVID-19 guidance
- Assigned seating for contact tracing
Please continue to check our Faculty FAQs page and the Protect Texas Together website for the latest information and guidance and reach out with questions to the Faculty Affairs team.
Wishing each of you the best of luck and health as the semester gets underway.
Stay well,
The University of Texas at Austin | Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost