Institution Substantive Changes
Reporting Procedures
(see SACSCOC Substantive Change policy for more detail)
(P1): Procedure One – requires review of substantive changes requiring notification and approval prior to implementation of significantly different program. Procedure One may require notification, a prospectus, and a site visit.
(P2): Procedure Two – requires review of substantive changes requiring only notification prior to implementation of significantly different program.
(P3): Procedure Three – requires review and approval of program or instructional site closure.
Institutional changes include
Procedure One
- Initiating coursework or programs at a different degree level than currently approved
- Expanding at current degree level (significant departure from current programs)
- Initiating a branch campus*
- Altering significantly the established mission of the institution
Procedure Two
- Relocating a main campus
- Moving an off-campus instructional site (serving the same geographic area)
- Initiating distance learning (the instructor and student are geographically separated):
- Offering 50% or more of program for the first time (subsequent programs do not require reporting unless they are significant departures from initially approved programs) (P1)
- Offering 25-49% of a program (P2)
- Adding significantly different degree programs (approved for the institution) from previously reported programs offered through distance learning (P2)
- Initiating a merger/consolidation with another institution
- Changing governance, ownership, control, or legal status of an institution
- Acquiring any program or site from another institution
- Adding a permanent location at a site where the institution is conducting a teach-out for students from another institution that is closing
Procedure Three
- Closing an approved off-campus site, branch campus, or institution; initiating teach-out agreements
*Branch campus: a location of an institution that is geographically apart and independent of the main campus of the institution. A location is independent of the main campus if the location (1) is permanent in nature, (2) offers courses in educational programs leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential, (3) has its own faculty and administrative or supervisory organization, and (4) has its own budgetary and hiring authority.
The University of Texas at Austin
1616 Guadalupe Street, Rm 6.422
Stop D7600
Austin, Texas 78701