Dear Faculty,
Our 2023 COACHE faculty job satisfaction survey officially closes on Monday, April 10. If you have not yet done so, please complete your survey and help us provide the best possible experience for you and your colleagues in the future. During the week of February 13, all eligible faculty received an invitation to participate from — be sure to check your inbox if you missed it.
Every three years, the university administers this survey in partnership with COACHE (the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education) to get input from faculty about their experiences at UT. The data captured provides insights and helps to inform our decisions in many areas, including faculty initiatives and recruitment and retention practices. But the data from this survey are meaningful only if we have broad participation from our community.
Participation in the survey is anonymous, and all survey data are stored on a secure server managed by the Office of Institutional Reporting, Research and Information Systems (IRRIS). No one outside IRRIS will have access to the responses of individual faculty members. While our current response rate is 40.9%, our completion rate is 30.7%. It is important that you complete the survey so that your opinions will be included in the final compilation of data.
Thank you in advance for helping us better understand how we can support you and help you succeed at UT. If you have any questions or want to learn more about the remaining survey incentive, visit the COACHE website or contact
Sharon L. Wood
Executive Vice President and Provost