Dear faculty colleagues,
It would be an understatement to say this has been a big week for the university community. With our first few days of classes in the books, I just want to let you know how much I appreciate everything you have done.
Thank you for all your work to prepare for the fall semester. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we’ve worked through the array of issues and complications. Thank you while we continue to respond to all the bumps in the road along the way.
You deserve a great deal of credit for your commitment and efforts throughout. I visited a few classes this week and the students I saw were wearing masks and giving each other sufficient space, using the sanitizer dispensers, and looking attentive. The instructors I talked to were doing a great job. Many of our instructors are teaching all their classes online and deserve a great deal of credit for doing the hard work to think creatively about how to best deliver their classes in a virtual environment.
I will continue to stay focused to keep our campus safe and be responsive to the issues you face.
To all our faculty, teaching assistants, assistant instructors and staff, you’re doing a great job. Thank you.
Daniel Jaffe