Dear faculty colleagues,
The fall semester is rapidly approaching and many of us are deeply engaged in preparations for our various online, hybrid and in-person classrooms. Below are resources to help you plan for the fall along with a few updates to keep in mind while planning.
New Syllabi Requirements — Public Access to Course Information
As you craft your syllabi for fall, please remember to include the mandatory disclosures shared recently and keep the following deadlines top of mind.
- Monday, Aug. 17 – Upload your completed syllabi to Canvas
- Wednesday, Aug. 26 – Syllabi and instructor-of-record CVs due to department or dean’s office
- Wednesday, Sept. 2 – Syllabi and CVs documents must be uploaded to Access Syllabi and CVs system by departmental or dean’s office
Important Class Materials Deadline Coming Soon
As part of your coursework planning, we recommend preparing digital textbooks, reading packets, etc., for the coming semester. You can add digital textbooks, in most cases, via the University Co-op, and both the Co-op and University Document Services can do digital course packets (including permissions and royalty handling).
If you need or prefer printed materials (or printed with a digital option), the deadline to ensure printed items are available at the start of the semester is TOMORROW, August 7.
Guidance for Providing Academic Flexibility in Fall 2020
Due to the unique circumstances of COVID-19, the Office of Enrollment Management and Student Success developed guidance on academic flexibility in terms of course and program requirements for colleges and schools. Our academic community has broad discretion and latitude to support students’ academic achievement and progress this semester. We encourage you to work collectively and creatively to address the challenges the pandemic may present to ensure that our students can continue on-track toward timely graduation. You can find more information about academic flexibility options here.
Updated Faculty FAQs
We have added several FAQs since last month, including an update on who is eligible for probationary period extensions as a result of COVID-19. You can review the complete set of Faculty FAQs here.
As you plan for the fall semester, do try to incorporate opportunities for engagement with your students, especially for students taking only online courses. Our goal is to ensure that all – and especially new – students find a way to connect with faculty members and with other students even though they might not be meeting face-to-face.
I find it hard to believe that August is here and that our semester is fast advancing upon us. I hope that you have somehow managed to find time to unwind over the last few months. I hope that you and those you care most about are staying well. Lastly, I also hope that you can find a way to carry on despite the continuing challenges and disruptions still swirling around us.
If you have any faculty-related questions or concerns, please send the Faculty Affairs team a note. We’re here to support you in any way we can.
Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas