Each spring, with the generous support of the University Co-op, The University of Texas at Austin recognizes up to five undergraduate students for superior scholarly or creative achievement. The University Co-op George H. Mitchell Award honors undergraduate students who have demonstrated unparalleled dedication and achievement in their fields of study. Four students receive awards of $5,000 each, and one student receives the top award of $7,000.
The 2020 grand prize winner is Ethan Russo, a senior Plan II Honors and math major, for his project titled Two Essays in Philosophical Logic.
All awards are faculty nominated, and the selection committee consists of a diverse group of faculty members. The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost provides a concurrent award of half the value of each student’s award to the academic department in which the scholarly work was supervised.
This year, 67 undergraduate students submitted their research or creative project in one of four categories: artistic/creative, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). A committee of faculty members reviewed each application and selected four from each category to recognize as semifinalists. Of the 16 semifinalists, five were selected as recipients of the 2020 University Co-op George H. Mitchell Award.
2020 University Co-op George H. Mitchell Award Recipients
Ethan Russo
Award: $7,000
Major: Plan II Honors and Mathematics
Category: Humanities
Winning Project: Two Essays in Philosophical Logic
Austin Ali
Award: $5,000
Major: Plan II Honors and Music Composition
Category: Artistic/Creative
Winning Project: A Musical Portrait of Triton, the Rogue Moon of Neptune
Zoe de Beurs
Award: $5,000
Major: Physics and Honors Astronomy
Category: STEM
Winning Project: Classifying X-ray Binaries Using Three Machine Learning Methods
Maike Morrison
Award: $5,000
Major: Honors Mathematics
Category: STEM
Winning Project: Conscientious Vaccination Exemptions in Kindergarten to Eighth-Grade Children