Faculty Affairs Update – Dec 5

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

This newsletter starts by sharing information and important reminders for faculty and ends with sharing faculty-related Stories and News. The Updates section includes the following:

  • Grade Reporting and Final Exam Reminders
  • Award Nominations Now Open or Opening Soon
  • Pilot Program Opportunity
  • Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Updates
  • New Faculty Orientation
  • Texas Global Updates

Please share relevant information with colleagues and those you mentor. If you have any faculty-related questions, concerns or solutions, please contact the Faculty Affairs team — we’re here to support you in any way we can.

Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Faculty Updates

Grade Reporting and Final Exam Reminders

Grade Reporting
Fall 2024 grade reporting starts at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, December 10. At that time, you can log into grade reporting and click the “Enter grades now” button to get started. In the meantime, you can preview your courses and grade due dates by logging into grade reporting, then clicking “Enter grades now” and “Check my authorization and due dates.”
As a reminder, incompletes (Xs) from Spring 2024 must be resolved or extended in the online grade change system no later than Tuesday, December 17, to allow time for processing.
If you have any questions regarding the grading process, please contact the Student Records unit at studentacademicrecords@austin.utexas.edu.

Grade Reporting Details

Undergraduate Academic Status Change
There will be an important change to undergraduate student academic status language when students are assigned their academic status based on their Fall 2024 grades. Beginning Thursday, December 19 — and effective from Spring 2025 forward — the new designations of “Academic Warning” and “Academic Dismissal” will replace the terms “Scholastic Probation” and “Scholastic Dismissal,” respectively.
No change will be made to graduate student academic status language.
Final Exams
Final exams are December 12–14 and December 16. Students and faculty can enter a specific unique number into the final exam search to easily find a specific final exam time.
Facilities unlocks most buildings/rooms during final exams. Keep the following building access guidelines in mind:
    • If you encounter a locked building, first locate the celebrated entrance for the building and swipe your UT ID for access.
    • If you encounter a locked building or a room during regular business hours (Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.), call Facilities (512-471-2020, option 2).
    • If you encounter a locked building or room before 7 a.m., after 5 p.m. or on the weekends, call Facilities (512-471-2020, option 3).
More context and answers to common final exam questions can be found in the Final Exam FAQs.

Final Exam Details

Award Nominations Now Open or Opening Soon

Robert W. Hamilton Book Awards
Nominations due January 21

Nominations for the 2025 Robert W. Hamilton Book Awards are open until Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 5 p.m. These awards recognize the outstanding scholarship and creativity of UT Austin faculty and staff members who have published books and other works. Up to four awards are given each year, consisting of one grand prize award of $10,000 and three finalist awards of $3,000 each. Email honorific-vpr@austin.utexas.edu for more information.

Hamilton Book Awards

Spring Teaching Awards
Nominations due March 10

All nominations for the Spring Teaching Awards listed below will open for submissions Monday, January 6, 2025, and close Monday, March 10, 2025:
Email teachingawards@utexas.edu for more information.

Pilot Program Opportunity

Texas Well-being Faculty Ambassadors
Intent forms due December 15

Texas Well-being is launching a pilot program in which faculty will collaborate as leaders of well-being efforts across The University of Texas at Austin. To participate, a faculty member will submit a proposal with their ideas for leading well-being efforts in their department and/or college. If their proposal is selected, they will receive a stipend to put these ideas into action over the next year and a half. If you’re interested in applying for the program, fill out the intent form, which is open until Sunday, December 15. Email texaswellbeing@austin.utexas.edu for more information.

Texas Well-being

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Updates

CTL’s Holiday House Party
Join the CTL for a jolly celebration of instructors and staff who help build a supportive culture of teaching and learning at UT at CTL’s Holiday House Party! We are opening up our “house” for a festive event on Wednesday, December 11, from 3–5 p.m. in PCL 3.349 that promises fun, games, refreshments, door prizes and more. It will be the perfect pause from the inevitable December hustle and bustle. Come unwind, relax and enjoy some holiday cheer with your colleagues!

RSVP for CTL’s Holiday House Party

CTL LinkedIn
We are thrilled to welcome both new and returning colleagues as we launch a new LinkedIn page. Stay connected with us to receive updates on funding, research, workshops and much more!

New Faculty Orientation: January 6

Faculty Development is offering a spring term faculty orientation on Monday, January 6, 2025, at Rowling Hall for faculty hired after the start of 2024–25 academic year. This session will help new faculty gain a better understanding about how the University works, where to access critical resources and how to leverage opportunities for growth and advancement.

Additional in-depth monthly sessions are offered on topics to advance scholarly agendas, develop teaching practices, integrate service with scholarly and teaching pursuits, plan for promotion and tenure, and much more. Details about supplemental sessions are on the New Faculty Launch webpage.

Please RSVP by Monday, December 16, to reserve your spot!

Register for New Faculty Orientation

Texas Global Updates

Diplomacy Lab: Call for Bids
The bidding window for Spring 2025 Diplomacy Lab projects is open through December 31. Diplomacy Lab offers a unique chance for faculty and students in all disciplines to collaborate with the U.S. Department of State on real-world foreign policy issues. For the Spring 2025 project menu, email Holly Schneider.

Diplomacy Lab

Texas Around the World: Add or Update Your Information
Texas Global displays data reflecting the University’s international activities and connections on the Global Explorer Map. This map showcases UT’s global engagement, including student mobility, alumni networks, partnerships and the research and creative efforts of more than 1,000 faculty members across country-specific webpages. To contribute or update your information, please complete this survey. For further details, contact Texas Global’s Global Strategies Officers at txglobalgso@austin.utexas.edu.

Submit Your Information

Featured News & Stories

Professor Partners with Ugandan University for Primate Conservation
To the average person, these creatures might seem like wild, unpredictable animals. But to the primatologist watching intently nearby, half obstructed by leaves, these creatures are a psychological phenomenon. He sees friendships, complex emotions, bonds strengthening and breaking right before his eyes.

AI Law Courses Introduced
Artificial Intelligence “is a singular technological advancement on par with the microchip, automobiles, and nuclear power, and — like those technologies — will alter society in myriad ways, both good and bad,” says Professor Matthew Murrell, author of the forthcoming book, “Artificial Intelligence Law,” which will explore the emerging field of AI law across many legal domains.

College of Fine Arts Teaching Innovations
As a college that’s built on hands-on, experiential learning, the College of Fine Arts is full of examples of great teaching. Here, they highlight some recent examples of innovation in the classroom to help students build new skills, execute visually stunning work and learn from their incredible faculty members.

Access past issues here.

Faculty Affairs Update