Faculty Affairs Update – Jan. 12

Dear faculty colleagues,

I hope that each of you enjoyed some relaxing time with loved ones over the break and are ready for the start of the new semester.

This newsletter starts below by sharing some faculty-related News and Stories and then the Updates section includes some information and important reminders for faculty about the following:

  • Syllabus Content and Template
  • HB2504 Syllabus Requirements
  • Office of Undergraduate Research: Spring Events
  • Office of Academic Technology Updates
  • Title IX Accommodations for Those Pregnant, Nursing, and Parenting
  • CTL Updates: January 2024
  • Call for Submissions: 2024 Solar Eclipse

Please share what might be relevant with fellow colleagues. If you have any faculty-related questions, concerns, and solutions please feel free to contact the Faculty Affairs team. We’re here to support you in any way we can.

Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2024!

Stay well,

Tasha Beretvas

Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Featured News & Stories

Rachel Davis Mersey Appointed Dean of Moody College of Communication

UT Austin has selected Rachel Davis Mersey to serve as the next dean of the Moody College of Communication. Mersey, who holds the Everett D. Collier Centennial Chair in the School of Journalism and Media, begins her new appointment effective immediately.

UT in 2023

Review the highlights from 2023 at The University of Texas at Austin.

TIME Magazine Names UT Austin Among U.S.’ Best Colleges for Future Leaders

TIME Magazine named UT Austin as one of the Best Colleges for Future Leaders in the United States. UT earned the No. 14 ranking, which was highest among Texas universities and third highest among all public schools. This achievement reflects UT’s continued commitment to becoming the world’s highest-impact public research university.

Faculty Updates

Syllabus Content Webpage and Template

Your Syllabus at UT Austin, is a central repository for required and suggested verbiage to include in syllabi. The webpage lists required content, highly recommended content, and wording or resources for other content that you might want to include. We also created an optional template that you can customize that also includes required wording for all of the common disclosures.

Learn More – Your Syllabus at UT Austin

HB 2504 Requirements

Regulations in the General Information Catalog and the Texas Administrative Code require faculty to provide a syllabus to students in time for the first class meeting each semester. Course syllabi and instructor-of-record CVs are due to your departmental or dean’s office no later than Jan. 16, 2024. Units must upload syllabi and instructor CVs by Jan. 24, 2024 to allow public access to syllabi and CVs.

HB2504 Requirements

Office of Academic Technology Updates

The Office of Academic Technology would like to highlight a few important updates as they relate to faculty.

Simple Syllabus

The Office of Academic Affairs is sponsoring a pilot of Simple Syllabus, a syllabus template that preloads into Canvas with all UT System and UT Austin required syllabus language, as well as Co-op submitted textbooks and course materials. Learn more about the pilot or sign up to participate on the Academic Affairs website.

Artificial Intelligence

The university has designated 2024 as the Year of AI. Are you planning to use AI in spring courses? The teams within Academic Affairs would like to hear from you as we explore products, services, and programming to support campus instructors. Please complete this short form to share your ideas.

Office of Academic Affairs

Office of Undergraduate Research: Spring Events

As you prepare your syllabi for the coming semester, the Office of Undergraduate Research has two spring events that you can incorporate into your syllabus (as assignments or extra credit) to give your students ways to present and fund their research. You can also find out more about other sources for student research funding on our scholarships page. We look forward to seeing your students’ work!

Texas Student Research Showdown

Students carrying out research or creative activity can submit a 2-minute research video and compete for thousands of dollars in awards at the Texas Student Research Showdown. These videos target a general audience; as selected by a panel of faculty judges, the top videos will receive awards, as will an “audience choice” winner selected by UT students. Video submissions close 11:59 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12. Students interested in participating can read the full rules and submit their information through our online submission form.

Longhorn Research Poster Session

Students from all academic disciplines present research posters at

the Longhorn Research Poster Session, an interdisciplinary, campus-wide research poster design workshops and templates; we can also meet with your class to give a more targeted workshop. Thousands of dollars in awards will be made for the top student posters. More details on the submission process will be distributed in the spring.

Undergraduate Research Scholarships & Awards

Title IX Accommodations for Those Pregnant, Nursing and Parenting

Pregnant, nursing and parenting students, faculty, and staff are eligible for accommodations through the Title IX Office that support equal access to education and work and prevent discrimination. Students may reach out to the Title IX Office for help with accommodations to make up missed classes, complete missed coursework, keep them safe in the classroom, apply for leaves of absence, receive priority registration and other related support. Faculty and staff, including undergraduate students and graduate student employees, may reach out for assistance with job or schedule restructuring and obtaining modified or additional work equipment.

Visit the Title IX pregnancy and parenting resource page for more information or contact the Title IX Support and Resources team connect with a Case Manager.

Title IX Pregnancy and Parenting Resources

CTL Updates: January 2024

The CTL January newsletter includes the following highlights:

Starting Spring 2024 Strong

Are you working on your syllabus for next semester? Learning outcomes are a required component for your syllabi and beneficial to your students. As part of the Course Clarity Project and announced by Dr. Art Markman, UT Academic Affairs developed the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) guide, a visual resource that contains strategies and examples that (1) make drafting learning outcomes quicker and easier for you, and (2) help you craft outcomes that are clear and actionable for your students. Bookmark this guide so you can refer to it whenever you need a hand.

Visit from Dr. Christ Schunn

Join us on Jan. 22 at 10:00am in PCL Learning Lab 3 for a visit from Dr. Chris Schunn, researcher and professor of Psychology from University of Pittsburgh, who will be conducting an interactive workshop on evidence-based strategies for productive student groupwork. Learn more and RSVP here.

Early Spring Opportunities

Provost’s Teaching Fellows Think Tank, Jan. 25: Measuring Learning Beyond Student Perceptions

CTL January Newsletter

Submission Deadline: 2024 Solar Eclipse

In April 2024, Austin will experience a total solar eclipse — its first since 1397 and last until 2343. In addition to a UT community-wide viewing and other experiential programming, the University plans to mark the occasion by highlighting a wide variety of faculty and student work. We hope to feature the breadth and depth of our scholarship and knowledge creation across disciplines through topics like:

  • Humanities and social science explorations of eclipses and space, e.g. indigenous traditions or the history of science
  • Eclipse- and space-related art, archival artifacts and creative work
  • Austin and North America in 1397 and in 2343
  • Space science, astronomy and aerospace engineering

Please submit any responsive ideas or previously published work to Sarah McAbee in University Marketing and Communications no later than next Tuesday, January 16.

Submit or Pitch Work

Access past issues here.

Faculty Affairs Update