Dear faculty colleagues,
Below are several upcoming opportunities, events, and reminders for the final month of the spring term.
Included in this week’s update:
- Final Reminder: 2023 UT Austin Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey
- Virtual Faculty Development Award (FDA) Information Session
- Promotion (& Tenure) Information Sessions – Spring 2023
- Reminder: OpEd Project Public Voices Fellowship
- Reminder: Longhorn Textbook Access (LTA) program – Deadline for 2023 Summer & Fall Courses
- From Research to Policy Event
- First-Gen Graduation Volunteer Opportunity
- CTL Grant Opportunities Teaching Innovation Grants and Events
Final Reminder: UT Austin Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey
The current response rate for the Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey is 41.0%. Our goal is to reach at least a 50% response rate by the time the survey closes on April 10th. While our current response rate is 41.0%, our completion rate is 30.9%. It is important that you complete the survey so that your opinions will be included in the final compilation of the data.
Please check your inbox and spam folder for the survey invites from If you started the survey but have not completed it, remember that faculty who complete the survey can submit a screenshot of the survey’s final screen to be entered into a drawing to win gift cards ranging in price from $125 to $450.
COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey Response Rate
- UT Austin Response Rate: 41%
- Response Rate Average for all universities: 43.6%
- UT Austin Completion Rate: 30.9%
- Completion Rate Average for all universities: 34.8%
UT Austin Response Rate by CSU
(highest and lowest response rates are bolded)
Architecture – 33.8%
Business – 38.7%
Communication – 42.9%
Education – 41.8%
Engineering – 50.2%
Fine Arts – 39.1%
Geosciences – 41.5%
Information and Undergraduate Studies* – 65.2%
Law – 23.4%
Public Affairs – 37.1%
Liberal Arts – 42.3%
Natural Sciences – 35.4%
Nursing – 44.8%
Pharmacy – 63.3%
Social Work – 37.5%
*The dashboard combines response rates for CSUs with low faculty numbers. Therefore, the School of Information and UGS are listed together.
Virtual Faculty Development Award (FDA) Information Session
The Faculty Development Award (FDA) program is a program for mid-career and senior professional-track faculty that provides up to $10,000 to support professional development opportunities and activities for each awardee. The Faculty Affairs team in the provost’s office will be hosting a general information session about the FDA program. Information about the virtual information session is as follows:
Wednesday, April 26th at 9:00 – 10:00am CST
Promotion (& Tenure) Information Sessions – Spring 2023
The Faculty Affairs team will be hosting promotion (& tenure) information sessions over the spring. These sessions include a representative from the President’s Promotion (& Tenure) committee and offer the opportunity to share advice and answer questions focused on the relevant promotion(s).
- Monday, April 10, 2:30-3:30pm
Professional-track Faculty Information Session with Deputy to the President Richard Flores - Tuesday, April 11, 2:00-3:00pm
Tenure-track Faculty Information Session with Vice President for Research Dan Jaffe
Reminder: OpEd Project Public Voices Fellowship
The Board of The OpEd Project Public Voices Fellowship at UT invites nominations for the eighth cohort of the Public Voices Fellows. This fellowship was created by the OpEd project to help accelerate the dissemination of ideas and public impact of under-represented thought leaders through enhanced radio, television, and print media publications and appearances. Here is an impact report with testimonials and results from last year’s participants. The deadline for submitting nominations – for yourself and others – is Tomorrow, April 7, 2023. You can learn more about the program here.
Reminder: Longhorn Textbook Access (LTA) program – Deadline for 2023 Summer & Fall Courses
Longhorn Textbook Access (LTA) was created in partnership with the University Co-op to reduce the cost of digital textbooks and other digital course materials for students. LTA guarantees students the lowest price on new digital course materials and gives students automatic, free, no-commitment access for the first twelve class days. Faculty can assume this access in their teaching, even if students ultimately obtain their materials elsewhere.
If you are interested in using the LTA program for your digital course materials, adoptions are due on Monday, May 1 for Summer and Saturday, July 1 for Fall. More information on LTA can be found here. For questions or to add your digital course materials, please contact Michael Kiely at
From Research to Policy: Creating a Roadmap to Increase the Policy Impact of your Scholarly Work Event – Thursday, April 20
This event is an interactive discussion with UT faculty who have successfully influenced policy with their research. Participants will learn who policymakers and influencers are; how to engage effectively with those policymakers; and how to make a compelling case for your work’s application to real-world policy. The event will take place on Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 10:00am-3:30pm at the William C. Powers Student Activity Center.
First-Gen Graduation Volunteer Opportunity
Are you First-Gen Faculty or First-Gen Champions? Join us for First-Gen Grad on Wednesday, May 3 from 1:00-3:00pm in San Jacinto Multipurpose room. We are so excited to celebrate our First-Gen graduates on this major accomplishment. If you’re interested in volunteering, we’d love your support! Please sign up here by Friday, April 21.
CTL Grant Opportunities Teaching Innovation Grants and an Event
Instructor Learning Community Grant
Proposals Due: Thursday, April 13
Instructor Learning Community Grants, open to all instructors (graduate student instructors, lecturers, tenure-track, clinical, tenured), will be awarded for projects that assemble small groups of instructors to discuss and learn together.
Students as Partners Grants
Proposals Due: Monday, April 24
The CTL is pleased to offer five grants for “Students as Partners” work for the upcoming academic year. Explore co-designing and co-creating with students!
Students as Partners Spring 2023 Colloquium
Explore CTL’s “Students as Partners” initiative. Instructor and student SAP grant awardees will present their work. Students as Partners is a relatively new way of thinking about pedagogy in higher education, one that re-positions students as active collaborators in the diverse processes of teaching and learning. The event will take place online April 17, 4:00-5:00pm.
Came to Listen Event
This storytelling event is designed to foster and bolster teaching and learning among instructors. During this time together, attendees are invited to engage in one of humanity’s oldest and most effective tools for learning—storytelling. Please join us as we continue to amplify real stories of teaching and learning at Came To Listen. The event will take place on Friday, April 14 at 1:30-3:00pm in CTL Lab (SZB 4.102).
If you have any faculty-related questions, concerns, or solutions, please feel free to contact the Faculty Affairs team. We’re here to support you in any way we can.
Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas