Faculty Affairs Update – Mar. 9

Dear faculty colleagues,

Below are several upcoming opportunities, events, and reminders before the break.

The UT Austin Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey is open, and several incentives exist for faculty members who participate. Please review the information below for details on completing the survey.

Included in this week’s update:

  • Reminder: 2023 UT Austin Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey
  • Tenure & Time Management Workshop: Tuesday, May 2
  • Ally Accessibility Platform Launching: Monday, March 13
  • Texas Global is Moving!
  • Provost’s Teaching Fellows Think Tank: Thursday, March 23
  • Graduate Teaching Showcase: Friday, March 31
  • Center for Teaching and Learning Grant opportunities

Participation Requested: UT Austin Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey

The 2023 UT Austin Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey launched two weeks ago, and we have preliminary data on response and completion rates organized below by CSU (as of 03/09). We want to reach a 50% response rate by the time the survey closes on April 10th. We strongly encourage you to participate in the survey. The information will be used to support our understanding of what faculty initiatives we should prioritize in the coming years. Please check your inbox and spam folder for the survey invitation and reminders.

Also, did you know we are offering incentives to a random selection of faculty who complete the survey? Faculty who submit a screenshot of the survey’s final screen will be entered into a drawing to win gift cards ranging in price from $125 to $450. In fact, our first incentive winner is a professional faculty member from the College of Liberal Arts. Within the next week, this faculty member will receive an email notification about their $125 prize from IRRISSurveys@austin.utexas.edu.

COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey Response Rates

  • UT Austin Response Rate: 32%
  • Response Rate Average for all universities: 32.7%
  • UT Austin Completion Rate: 23.5%
  • Completion Rate Average for all universities: 25.6%

UT Austin Response Rate by CSU (bolded have the highest and lowest rates)

Architecture – 24.6%
Business – 34.1%
Communication – 35.4%
Education – 30.7%
Engineering – 44.1%
Fine Arts – 29.7%
Geosciences – 31.7%
Information and Undergraduate Studies* – 43.5%
Law – 16.0%
Public Affairs – 37.1%
Liberal Arts – 31%
Natural Sciences – 26.3%
Nursing – 35.8%
Pharmacy – 50%
Social Work – 29.2%

*The dashboard combines response rates for CSUs with low faculty numbers. Therefore, the School of Information and UGS are listed together.

Tenure & Time Management Workshop on Tuesday, May 2
9:00 am-4:00 pm | MAI 212
Please join us for an all-day workshop, “Tenure & Time Management: How to Manage Your Time So You Can Publish Prolifically AND Have a Life Beyond the Ivory Tower,” facilitated by the NCFDD As part of our enhanced faculty development programming, Faculty Affairs is hosting this workshop to help faculty learn best practices for time management. Faculty will learn techniques to help align available time with priorities. Faculty will also learn how to build a network of support and accountability to achieve their career goals. While faculty of any rank and discipline may register, the workshop is most suitable for tenure-track assistant professors and tenured associate professors. Space is limited to 80 registrants, and food is provided.


Reminder: Ally Accessibility Platform Launching Monday, March 13
As previously announced, the university is enabling the Ally accessibility platform in all UT Canvas courses starting March 13, 2023. The Ally platform works within Canvas to make digital course content more accessible and user-friendly for all students and provides accessibility reports and instructions to update course materials for instructors. If you have questions, visit Canvas Resource Center or email allyplatform@utlists.utexas.edu for support.

Texas Global is Moving!
Effective March 27, 2023, Texas Global will begin operating in The University of Texas Main Building (MAI) during the renovation of 2400 Nueces (N24). International Student and Scholar Services, Education Abroad, and the English Language Center will continue to provide in-person advising services in MAI 7 on the ground floor of the UT Tower. Advising and administrative services will continue remotely during the week of the move, March 20-24. Please visit the Texas Global website for appointment details and contact information.

Passport Services will relocate to the Main Building, Room 22, and will no longer accept walk-ins. Passport Services will not process applications during the week of March 20-24. The public, as well as students, faculty members and staff members can use the online scheduling system for appointments that will begin on March 27.

Provost’s Teaching Fellows Think Tank: Thursday, March 23
PTF Think Tanks, facilitated by the Provost’s Teaching Fellows, invite instructors to discuss problems and tackle tough topics in a safe environment. This Think Tank will be led by Dr. Jesse Stommel and facilitated by Dr. Danica Sumpter (School of Nursing) and focuses on challenging conventions around “grading”. Specifically, this conversation will explore the tensions between and new possibilities within grades, assessment, and learning: “Grading and assessment are two distinct things: and spending less time on grading does not mean spending less time on assessment”. All instructors are welcome.

PTFs’ Think Tank | 1:00-3:00pm | SZB 4.102

Graduate Teaching Showcase: Friday, March 31
9:00am-12:00pm | PCL Learning Lab 1
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is partnering with the Graduate School and UT Libraries to host our 7th Graduate Teaching Showcase which highlights excellent graduate student teaching at UT Austin. The centerpiece of the Showcase is a series of personal narratives about teaching presented by students from across campus. Join us to celebrate and learn from these students over breakfast tacos and coffee at the PCL Library.

Center for Teaching and Learning Grant opportunities

Teaching Innovation Grants
Proposals Due: Monday, March 20
The Center for Teaching and Learning invites proposals from UT Austin instructors to develop or scale innovations in their teaching/courses. Innovations mean very different things depending on the course and the instructor, and we hope to encourage you to pursue something new FOR YOU.

Instructor Learning Community Grants
Proposals Due: Thursday, April 13
The Instructor Learning Learning Community Grant, open to all instructors (graduate student instructors, lecturers, tenure-track, clinical, tenured), will be awarded for projects that assemble small groups of instructors to discuss and learn together.

Students as Partners Grants
Proposals Due: Monday, April 24
The CTL is pleased to offer five grants for “Students as Partners” work for the upcoming academic year. Explore co-designing and co-creating with students!

Wishing each of you some time to relax over the upcoming Spring Break. Please reach out with any faculty-related questions to the Faculty Affairs team. We’re here to support you in any way we can.

Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas

Faculty Affairs Update