Dear faculty colleagues,
This week’s update includes important reminders about upcoming programs and other faculty-related matters. Please be sure to share relevant information and opportunities with your colleagues.
Promotion and Tenure Panel Sessions
The Faculty Affairs team has already hosted a couple of promotion and tenure panel sessions this week and have one more next week intended for professional-track faculty. Please join us and be sure to encourage junior colleagues, peers and mentors to attend:
Wednesday, April 13, 11am-12pm
Tenured Associate Professor Information Session with Vice President for Research Dan Jaffe
Faculty Women’s Organization Promotion & Tenure Panel Sessions
The Faculty Women’s Organization (FWO) will be hosting two promotion and tenure panel sessions via Zoom. These sessions offer advice and feedback from the most recent promotion and tenure process with a panel including representatives from the President’s promotion and tenure consultative committee along with recent, successfully promoted faculty members. This year we are offering two sessions, one for tenured / tenure-track faculty and a second, separate session for professional-track faculty scheduled as follows:
Wednesday, April 20, 3:30-4:30pm
Tenured and Tenure-track Faculty
Tuesday, April 26, 1:30-2:30pm
Professional-track Faculty
Fractalizing Pedagogy Fellows
Fractalizing Pedagogy Fellows is a pilot program that seeks to implement AJEDI-focused strategies which break down barriers to learning for UT’s diverse student population. Fellows will create individual projects that are intentional and iterative. This community will share what they learn with the larger campus teaching and learning community by presenting at the Fall 2022 Inclusive Teaching and Learning Symposium and beyond. Applications are due by noon on Monday, April 25. Learn more about the program here.
Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) teaching credential
This year-long professionally facilitated asynchronous course gives you the opportunity to learn about, implement, and reflect on research-based teaching practices in the courses you are teaching. UT System is awarding grants for 30 full-time instructors to participate in the Effective Teaching Practices course. If you’d like to learn more, there’s a UT system-wide information session and course demo hosted by ACUE on Thursday, April 21, 12 – 1:00 pm via Zoom. You can also learn more here.
Voice Your Concerns at the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Forums
The President’s Accessibility Committee was created by the university to address institution-wide, systemic issues that fall under the scope of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Each year, the committee hosts forums to solicit campus input on ADA issues that need to be addressed. The goal is to develop solutions for the broad-based concerns affecting many in our community. If you’d like to attend these virtual forums, information is included below.
- Tuesday, April 12, 4 – 5:00 pm
- Thursday, April 14, 12 -1:00 pm
Please email prior to the scheduled date for accommodation requests.
Campus Contextualization Seminar Series
The new Campus Contextualization Seminar Series explores histories of race, gender, and power at UT Austin. Speakers present research and new frameworks for analysis concerning how U.S. universities address historic exclusion and inequalities and serve as key sites for engendering equity, inclusion and social change.
You’re invited to join the next lecture in the series: The ‘Last’ Vestige of Segregation at UT: Desegregating the Dormitories with Dr. Dwonna Goldstone, associate professor of History and director of the African American Studies program at Texas State University.
Event Information: Thursday, April 21, 5 – 6:30 pm. The event is free and open to the public, livestreamed and in-person
Please reach out with any faculty-related questions to the Faculty Affairs team. For COVID-19-related questions, please continue to check the Protect Texas Together website for the latest information and guidance.
Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas