Faculty Affairs Update – Mar. 25

Dear faculty colleagues,

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope that last week really did offer you some kind of refreshing break. We are over halfway through the semester and have a series of opportunities, events, and programs for faculty to keep in mind as we journey through.

Academic Calendar Changes

As announced yesterday, the academic calendar has been updated. The changes affect several aspects of the calendar including final exams’ timing as well as dates for the beginning and ending of the semesters and thus the timing of breaks. You can view the full calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year here. More information regarding the process to modify the calendar can be found here.

Transportation Disruptions

Capital Metro has been experiencing a labor shortage that is causing public bus service delays and cancellations. This issue is negatively affecting UT students who rely on public transportation to get to and from campus. Until there are more support measures in place, we are asking faculty not to penalize students who are late to classes or any in-person exams or activities. We also ask that faculty help facilitate delayed students’ access to any missed class materials, information and experiences (where possible).

Promotion (& Tenure) Information Sessions – Spring, 2022

The Faculty Affairs team will be hosting promotion (and tenure) information sessions over the spring. These sessions include a representative from the President’s Promotion (& Tenure) committee and offer the opportunity to share advice and answer questions focused on the relevant promotion(s).

Thursday, April 7, 11am-12pm
Tenure-track Faculty
Information Session with Sr. Vice Provost and Dean Mark Smith

Friday, April 8, 11am-12pm
Professional-track Faculty
Information Session with Provost Sharon Wood

Wednesday, April 13, 11am-12pm
Tenured Associate Professor Information Session with Vice President for Research Dan Jaffe

Mental Health Conversations for Faculty & Staff

Students today face increasing pressures that can lead to emotional distress, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and even thoughts of suicide. University faculty and staff can take small steps that make a big difference to support students’ mental health and wellness. This online conversation simulation lets faculty and staff practice these challenging conversations at their own pace through role-play with virtual students. Click here for more information.

Ukraine Information and Resources

If you know any displaced faculty who need support, the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies has created a page with resources, ways to seek out help and scholarly sources of information. You can learn more here.

NEW DATES: Faculty Search Committee Workshops

The Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity has added new dates for the Faculty Search Committee Workshop Part 2: April 22 and May 9 at 1 pm. These are the final workshops of the academic school year. You can now register for Part 2 here.

A few reminders:

  • Completion of Part 1 is required in order to register for Part 2;
  • It is recommended that search committee members serving on the same committee attend the same workshop session whenever possible

Campus Contextualization Seminar Series

The new Campus Contextualization Seminar Series explores histories of race, gender, and power at The University of Texas at Austin. Speakers present research and new frameworks for analysis concerning the ways in which U.S. universities continue to address historic exclusion and inequalities and serve as key sites for engendering equity, inclusion, and social change.

You’re invited to join the next lecture in the series: Laying the Foundation: Black Constructors of Austin and The University of Texas with Dr. Tara A. Dudley of The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture.

Event Information: Friday, April 1, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm CST. This event is free and open to the public, livestreamed and in-person.


Reminder: Inclusive Campus Support

Inclusive Campus Support provides an anonymous online tool for people to share experiences that are helpful and/or concerning. All members of the university community are encouraged to use this online resource that can help the university become more welcoming and inclusive.

Here are several helpful points from Vice President LaToya Smith’s message last month.

  • Online table provided with current data from campus climate experiences submitted by university community members
  • Inclusive Campus Support Fall 2021 Semester Summary
  • Brief campus climate presentations available for organization meetings for students, staff, and faculty and can be scheduled by emailing inclusivecampus@utexas.edu

Please share with your networks these options to submit campus climate experiences and request consult/support. Feedback is appreciated regarding development of this process and can be provided by emailing inclusivecampus@utexas.edu or calling 512-232-1600.

Teaching Innovation Grants

The Center for Teaching and Learning invites proposals from UT Austin instructors to develop or scale innovations in their teaching and courses. We have curated Eight Principles of Effective Teaching that can be used as a framework in considering teaching methodologies. Proposals due April 3.

Learn More – Teaching Innovation Grants

Instructor Learning Community Grants

The Inclusive Teaching and Learning Instructor Learning Community Grant, open to all instructors (graduate student instructors, lecturers, tenure-track, clinical, tenured), is designed to build capacity for supporting an inclusive campus climate through teaching in classrooms, clinics, studios, and labs. Proposals due April 3.

Learn More – Instructor Learning Community Grants

Announcing the 2022 Provost’s Teaching Fellows Cohort (PTF)

The Provost’s Teaching Fellows are excited to announce the members of the 2022 PTF Cohort who were selected from a competitive group of applicants. The Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs offered support for this cohort to create cultures of change in their departments and colleges.

Meet the 2022 Provost’s Teaching Fellows Cohort

Please reach out with any faculty-related questions to the Faculty Affairs team. For COVID-19-related questions, please continue to check the Protect Texas Together website for the latest information and guidance.


Stay well,

Tasha Beretvas

Faculty Affairs Update