Informational: New Process to End/Term NTT Faculty Inactive 3 Years

Non-Tenure Track Faculty Inactive 3-Years Mass End Additional Job/Termination Process

The Non-Tenure Track Faculty Inactive 3-Years Mass End Additional Job/Termination Process will return this spring with an initial clean-up run scheduled for April 22, 2022. The spring run will include all Non-Tenure Track Faculty jobs that have been in the F-INA job profile for three or more years as of January 16, 2022. To prepare, you should run the report, NTT Faculty in F-INA Job Profile for 3 Years – RPT1031, in Workday.

The practice of reviewing inactive faculty annually is not new and was done annually prior to transitioning to Workday. The reason for this process is to require onboarding when a non-tenure track faculty member is rehired after a significant period of inactivity. After this initial clean-up, the process will run annually, in October.

For more detailed information about preparing for the process, including reminders and dates, refer to the Annual Non-Tenure Track Faculty Inactive 3-Years Mass End Additional Job/Termination Process webpage.
For questions about this process, please contact Academic Personnel Services by email.

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