Faculty Affairs Update – 7.9

Dear faculty colleagues,

Hope everyone had a safe and restful holiday weekend. This summer we will continue to share information to help you prepare for the fall. Today, we’ve outlined some guidance on syllabi language and updated travel guidelines.

Syllabi Language for Faculty: Masks and Vaccinations

For faculty who would like to include information in your syllabi about the university’s policy on masks and vaccinations, we’ve developed the below language. The inclusion of this in your syllabi is not required and is at the discretion of the faculty member. We will continue to share more information and guidance as we get closer to the fall semester.

Classroom Safety and COVID-19

To help preserve our in person learning environment, the university recommends the following.

  • Adhere to university mask guidance.
  • Vaccinations are widely available, free and not billed to health insurance. The vaccine will help protect against the transmission of the virus to others and reduce serious symptoms in those who are vaccinated.
  • Proactive Community Testing remains an important part of the university’s efforts to protect our community. Tests are fast and free.
  • Visit utexas.edu for more information.

FAQs from faculty regarding preparing for in-person instruction

Professor Charlotte Canning, who has served as a faculty representative on the university’s COVID-19 executive committee, recently wrote an article answering common faculty questions regarding vaccinations, vaccination status, mask requirements, social distancing, testing, the Protect Texas Together app and building safety.

More information

Changes to COVID-19 domestic and international travel requirements

Effective immediately, university-sanctioned domestic and international travel will no longer require use of a UT Contracted travel agency or UT’s online booking tool Concur.  However, the use of a UT contracted travel agency is still highly recommended due to the many benefits and 24-hour customer support provided by the agencies. All travel, regardless of booking method, should still be the best value for university funds. Those who process travel should note that in their documentation for reimbursement as was previously done prior to the pandemic.

More information

Updates on fall planning will continue to be shared on the Protect Texas Together website.

Please reach out to the faculty affairs team if you have any questions.

Stay well,

Tasha Beretvas

Faculty Affairs Update