Dear faculty colleagues,
I hope you and your families are able to take some time to enjoy the summer — but are keeping cool in this heat! Below you’ll find information to help you prepare for the upcoming fall semester and details on the President’s Award for Global learning.
Promotion (& Tenure) Information Sessions – Summer, 2021
The Faculty Affairs team will be hosting promotion (and tenure) information sessions over the summer. These sessions include a representative from the President’s Promotion (& Tenure) committee and offer the opportunity to share advice and answer questions focused on the relevant promotion(s).
Wednesday, June 23, 11am-12pm
Tenure-track Faculty Information Session with Graduate Dean and SVP Mark Smith
Thursday, July 1, 2-3pm
Professional-/Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Information Session with Dean Brent Iverson and Provost’s Academic Leader Fellow, Dr. Amanda Hager
In addition, the Faculty Affairs team is offering an information session focused on the creation of promotion dossiers for faculty candidates up for promotion (and tenure) review this coming fall.
Wednesday, June 30, 10-11am
Assembling Your Promotion Dossier
Longhorn Textbook Access (LTA) program
Deadline for Fall 2021—July 1
A reminder that July 1 is the fall semester 2021 deadline for adopting digital versions of commercial textbooks and other course materials that are required for your course, via the Longhorn Textbook Access (LTA) program. LTA guarantees students the lowest price on new digital course materials while allowing them easy opt-out if they obtain access to the materials from another source (used, borrowed, etc.). It also gives them automatic, free, no-commitment access for the first twelve class days so that you can assume this access in your teaching, even if they ultimately obtain their materials elsewhere.
The choice to participate in LTA, or not, is entirely yours. More information about LTA can be found at the provost’s Longhorn Textbook Access page, including a new, simple infographic with directions for LTA adoption. The infographic also includes information for those wishing to adopt or explore Open Educational Resources (OER), course materials that are free or very low cost for students.
President’s Award for Global Learning
President Hartzell recently unveiled a new vision for the President’s Award for Global Learning centered on increasing student access and strengthening faculty interdisciplinary collaborations while adhering to student-driven and faculty mentorship foundational principles. The program encourages interdisciplinary faculty teams to submit proposals that:
1) address topics in a global context;
2) support project or problem-based learning for student teams (face-to-face, virtual and in-country) experiential learning, and are informed by collaboration with international partner(s).
Learn more by attending faculty information and networking sessions and joining the Canvas page to connect with peers and form teams.
Proposals are due July 12, 2021.
Learn More – President’s Award for Global Learning
As always, please reach out to faculty affairs if you have any questions.
Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas