Faculty Affairs Update – 4.22

Dear faculty colleagues,

This spring, 2021, semester is racing by far too quickly. However, I hope that you’re able to unwind and take the time to enjoy some still-not-too-hot sunshine as we prepare to wrap up the school year. Below are a series of updates related to faculty. Please share with your colleagues and those you mentor as you see fit.

Save The Date: Promotion and Tenure Panels – April 28 & May 3

This year the tenure and promotion panels will take place virtually. There will be one for professional-track faculty and one for tenured/tenure-track. More information below.

Professional/Non-Tenure-Track Faculty – Wednesday, April 28 at 2:30-3:30 pm

  • Dan Jaffe, Interim Vice President and Provost
  • Tasha Beretvas, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
  • Brent Iverson, Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies
  • Stephanie Holmsten (promoted to Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Government)
  • Diane Rhodes (promoted to Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work)
  • Shelly Rodriguez (promoted to Professor of Practice, UTeach-Natural Sciences)
  • Moderator: Dr. Jeanne Freeland-Graves, Bess Heflin Centennial Professor of Nutritional Sciences

Zoom Link: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/96019011909

Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty – Monday, May 3 at 10:00-11:00 am

  • Dan Jaffe, Interim Vice President and Provost
  • Tasha Beretvas, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
  • Ali Preston, Interim Vice President for Research
  • Lauren Schudde (promoted to Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy)
  • Helena Woodard (promoted to Professor, Department of English; affiliation in Department of African and African Diaspora Studies)
  • Yan Zhang (promoted to Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences)
  • Moderator: Dr. Jeanne Freeland-Graves, Bess Heflin Centennial Professor of Nutritional Sciences

Zoom Link: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/95703371877

Please save the date that is relevant to the title series of interest to you. This event is sponsored by the Faculty Women’s Organization and Center for Women’s and Gender Studies.

Bright Horizons Back-Up Care – Family Support this Spring & Summer

Faculty members have access to Bright Horizons Back-Up Care. This program will help arrange high-quality child and adult/elder care with an in-home care provider or in one of our centers with enhanced COVID-19 protocols. Each eligible faculty member receives 10 days of Back-Up Care per year. There’s no copay when you reserve Bright Horizons Back-Up Care for the rest of April! If you are planning for the summer, day camp options will also populate based on availability in your area. More information on how to register appears below.

Register & Reserve Care
Visit https://backup.brighthorizons.com
If Prompted: Employer Username: utaustin | Password: care4you
Questions? Call 877-BH-CARES (242-2737)

Powering Past the Pandemic: Reconnecting with Wellness Event

The Wellness Network is hosting their first annual event next Friday, April 30th, and will be open to all faculty, staff, and students.  The event includes both live sessions and asynchronous content for maximum flexibility for individuals in different roles across campus. Live sessions include a keynote from Dr. Skyller Walkes, Assistant Dean of Diversity & Inclusion and Assistant Professor of Instruction in the College of Pharmacy, short TedTalk style presentations, and a panel on graduate student resiliency. You can learn more and register here.

Unemployment Scam & Identity Theft

There has been a huge influx in scams that claim unemployment benefits on behalf of people who are still working. This is largely due to past data breaches outside of UT, such as Equifax in 2017, resulting in fraud against employees and the university. Human Resources is now manually reviewing all incoming unemployment claims and sending fraudulent claims directly to employees who have been impacted with information on how to report this as a crime.

Financial and Administrative Services partnered with the Information Security Office to create a security newsletter to help explain the unemployment fraud issue while reminding everyone of what they can do to protect their identities. You can find the newsletter here.

If you have any faculty-related questions, concerns, and solutions please feel free to contact the Faculty Affairs team. We’re here to support you in any way we can.

Stay well,

Tasha Beretvas

Faculty Affairs Update