Dear faculty colleagues,
I hope your week is off to a great start. This week’s update is relatively short, but includes important updates about upcoming workshops and other faculty-related matters. Please be sure to share relevant information with your colleagues.
Distinguished Service Academy (DSA) Workshops – Wednesday, April 14
Last year, the provost selected five distinguished senior faculty for the inaugural cohort of the Distinguished Service Academy (DSA) to recognize their mentoring and service achievements. The inaugural team has crafted a “Meaningful Service and Career Trajectory” workshop to help participants think about ways to engage in authentic, satisfying service and identify avenues of service that best suit the participants’ interests and career goals.
The workshop facilitators will share personal experiences in service, balancing service with research and teaching, and discuss how the relationship between service and mentorship is reciprocal and interdependent. Participants will leave the workshop with tools to create a career narrative that includes personally and institutionally meaningful and visible service. There are two workshop times available.
- Wednesday, April 14th at 1-2 pm – tenured and tenure-track faculty - Wednesday, April 14th 3-4 pm –professional / non-tenure-track faculty
Faculty Women’s Organization Promotion & Tenure Panel sessions – Save the Dates
The Faculty Women’s Organization (FWO) is finalizing the details for two upcoming promotion and tenure panel sessions. These sessions offer advice and feedback from the most recent promotion and tenure process with a panel including representatives from the President’s promotion and tenure consultative committee along with recent, successfully promoted faculty members. This year we are offering two sessions, one for professional / non-tenure-track faculty and a second, separate session for tenured / tenure-track faculty. These sessions will be held on the following days and times:
- Wednesday, April 28th at 2:30-3:30pm – professional / non-tenure-track faculty
- Monday, May 3rd at 10-11am – tenured and tenure-track faculty
The FWO will share further details including panel membership and zoom links soon.
Libraries Join Transformative Agreement with Cambridge University Press
The University of Texas Libraries has expanded upon its partnership with Cambridge University Press to provide global open access to research published by authors and researchers across the UT System. The three-year extension of the contract – referred to as a “Read & Publish” agreement – provides system-wide institutional access to all Cambridge University Press journals, and offsets the costs of open access publishing of all works authored by University of Texas experts. The contractual enhancement means that faculty and researchers of the UT System will not have to pay Author Processing Charges (APCs) when they publish with Cambridge University Press journals in order to make their articles open access.
University of Texas System authors publish roughly 70 articles a year on average. Using a Cambridge Press estimate of an average APC cost of almost $3,000 per article, that represents a potential savings of over $200,000/year for all System-authored open access publication costs.
Learn more about the opportunity here.
If you have any faculty-related questions, concerns, and solutions please feel free to contact the Faculty Affairs team. We’re here to support you in any way we can.
Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas