Dear colleagues,
We hope your fall 2020 semester is going smoothly so far. It’s amazing to think that we are quickly approaching the holidays and a new year.
Please read below for important updates from Academic Personnel Services. As a reminder, we are available by email and phone to address any needs or questions you may have.
Academic Personnel Services
(512) 232-4590
We have updated the Faculty Request for Leave form with the following changes:
- Leave Types are now listed as Leave – Academic and Unpaid Time Off instead of Leave Without Pay.
- Release Time still remains as an option on the form.
Note: Release Time requests are final approved at the CSU dean’s office and should be processed by the unit using Assign Costing Allocation in Workday. After approval, please forward Release Time requests to APS as information copies only. - The amount of leave to be taken is now presented as scheduled weekly hours instead of percent time.
You can also find a link to this form on the APS website.
Additionally, we have created the Request for Faculty Lateral Reclassification form (the Posting Waiver form should no longer be used for these requests).
- The form should only be used to request lateral reclassifications for faculty, e.g., when a non-tenure track faculty member is moving from the Lecturer to the Assistant Professor of Instruction track.
- The request also includes fields for proposed changes to FTE, contract term, and salary.
NOTE: If the FTE, contract term, and/or salary is not changing, these fields should be left blank. - When requests are submitted for faculty with joint positions, all departments must approve the reclassification terms as presented in the request.
- We have also included with the form supporting documentation regarding non-tenure track faculty titles and definitions to assist you in completing reclassification requests.
You can also find a link to this form on the APS website.
After further review with eBITS, we have updated our guidance on how to increase scheduled weekly hours for early start faculty.
If a tenure or tenure-track faculty member is hired via the PAR at zero scheduled weekly hours (SWH), they should be given a Summer Add Job if they are to receive summer pay when their hours increase.
For example, if an assistant professor is hired on 01/16/2021 at zero SWH and will increase to full time on 08/18/2021, the hiring unit(s) should complete the following Workday transactions:
- Summer Add Job effective 08/18 to 08/31/2021 at 40 SWH using the Summer Salary compensation plan.
- Job Change effective 09/01/2021 on primary position to increase SWH to 40 using the Academic Salary compensation plan.
Our previous guidance indicated that the summer hours were to be paid via the addition of the Summer New Hire compensation plan on the primary position but because of recently established compensation plan validations in Workday, this is no longer a viable option.
Candidates applying for faculty positions in Interfolio will now be asked to voluntarily disclose their Texas veteran status as part of the Official University of Texas at Austin EEO Form.
The sections of the EEO form are as follows:
- Voluntary Self-Identification of Gender
- Voluntary Self-Identification of Race
- Voluntary Self-Identification of Ethnicity
- Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability
- Voluntary Self-Identification of Federally Protected Veteran Status
- Voluntary Self-Identification of Texas Veteran Status (newly added)
We are aware of issues with EEO form reporting in Interfolio and are working to resolve them as quickly as possible.
In addition, APS is currently working with the communications team in the provost’s office to develop Interfolio best-practices guidance. We will share more details on this as they become available.
As recently announced in the Workday newsletter, the Spring 2021 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Mass Transactions processing window opens on Monday, November 30. CSU spreadsheets will be due to APS by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 11.
We will send a separate communication with more detailed instructions and important dates the morning the reporting window opens.