Faculty Affairs Update – 10.27

Dear faculty colleagues,

I hope that you’re managing to thrive and enjoying the fall weather that is finally here. This is just a short missive highlighting a few events, reminders about resources and about the deadline for spring semester course materials.

Professional/Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Promotion Discussion – Friday, November
6, 9-10am
The Faculty Affairs team invites professional and non-tenure-track faculty to join a discussion about promotion.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 9995 7402
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Tenured Associate Professors Promotion Discussion – Wednesday, November 18, 12-1pm
The Faculty Affairs team invites associate professors to join a discussion about promotion.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 958 9295 3573
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SB 810 Reminder and HB 33 Deadline – October 31
The university partners with the University Co-op to ensure compliance with HB 33 and SB 810, which require all textbook course material selections to be visible to students at least 30 days before the start of the semester. In addition, SB 810 requires that open education resource (OER) course materials are identified so that students know which courses use them.
View Co-op submission form

COVID-19 Faculty FAQs updates
Our Office is continually updating the FAQs on the Provost’s website. You can find the most recent updates and additions here.

COVID-19 Exposure Guide
We shared this previously but wanted to make sure you have this on hand. The linked chart provides guidance on what to do if exposed to someone with COVID-19 during an in-person course or lab. For more detailed information on this process and class communications regarding a positive COVID-19 case, I encourage you to review this chart.
View/Download COVID-19 Exposure Guide

If you have any faculty-related questions, concerns, and solutions please feel free to contact the Faculty Affairs team. We’re here to support you in any way we can.

Stay well,
Tasha Beretvas



Faculty Affairs Update