Dear faculty colleagues,
Congratulations on finishing this first extraordinary week of classes in our new online learning environments. There were certainly some bumps in the road, but each of you has worked tirelessly to adjust and adapt. Thank you, all, for your resilience and forbearance. Thank you also for your commitment to our students and to the university’s academic mission during these trying times.
As the semester continues, we are encountering more questions and challenges, and our team is working to provide answers and updates for you. This email is intended to provide you with new and updated information.
“Stop the Clock” (Probationary Period Extensions) for Tenure-Track Faculty
New FAQs about probationary period extensions for tenure-track faculty (both in general and with respect to the impact of COVID-19) have been added to the Provost’s FAQs website.
We will also be offering a Zoom Q&A Meeting for Tenure-Track Faculty on Thursday, April 9th at 2:45pm – 4:00 pm. Add to Calendar
COVID-19 Grading Policy Changes
As an accommodation to COVID-19, the registrar’s office, in collaboration with Faculty Council and the administration, made important changes to the grading policy for courses taken in spring semester 2020.
Course Instructor Surveys
With the move to online instruction, all course instructor surveys this spring will be electronic. Find more information about spring, 2020 CIS forms here.
Zoom Security
The university has enabled the highest level of access security available in Zoom to prevent disruption and abuse. Faculty received a message and we also sent the following to all students.
Student Mental Health Support
Counselors are now available to speak with your classes directly about ways to get mental health support. You can find more information about resources being offered for UT students here.
We strongly encourage you to stay alert to communications from your department chairs, directors, and deans on next steps as we move forward. The university will also continue to provide updates on the university’s coronavirus website.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns by contacting us at
Stay well and I hope you find time away from your computer and phones this weekend!
Tasha Beretvas
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs